Cyrtandra nanawaleensis

H.St.John (1987)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Asterids Order: Lamiales Family: Gesneriaceae Genus: Cyrtandra



Key Characters:

Growth Form: Shrub.

Stems: Stems hirsute, rounded to angular.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Opposite. Blades 4–15 cm long x 2–5.2 cm wide, elliptic. Apex acute. Base cuneate. Surfaces hirsute. Margins entire or toothed. Petioles 2–5 mm long, hirsute, base sometimes clasping the stem or perfoliate. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers 3–flowered in cymes, usually in the upper leaf axils, 2 cm long, hirsute, pedicels 5–8 mm long, peduncles with minute to large and foliaceous, distinct or occasionally connate bracts, those of pedicels smaller. Flowers bisexual (perfect). Calyx 2–5(6)-lobed, 7 mm long, hirsute lobes 4–5 mm long, lanceolate, subobtuse, deciduous or persistent in fruit. Corolla 13 mm long, hirsute, usually bilabiate, white or yellow, occasionally green, orange, reddish, purplish, or streaked, usually fleshy, campanulate to salverform, funnelform, or cylindrical, the tube straight or curved, upper lip 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes imbricate in bud. Stamens 5, inserted about halfway up corolla tube, the 2 upper Stamens fertile, others staminodial, +/– with abortive anthers; fertile anthers coherent positioned in throat of corolla tube, dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits or occasionally by apical pores. Ovary superior, oblong–ovoid, 2-carpellate, 1-celled, placentation parietal, placentas 2, ± intruded, rarely joined in center and dividing ovary into 2 cells; ovules numerous, anatropous, pubescent or glabrous, apex rounded or with a stylar beak; style present or absent; stigma capitate, 2-lobed, lobes usually elliptic.

Fruit: Fruit a fleshy or firm berry; ovoid; ellipsoid to cylindrical; occasionally subglobose; often tipped by the persistent stylar beak. Seeds numerous; ellipsoid; minute; usually less than ca. 1 mm long; the surface reticulate.



Elevation Range:

Historical Distribution


Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Hawai'i Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Phytologia 63: 500 (1987)

Other References

St. John 1987f:500 (SPNOV/H, DESCR); Wagner & Herbst 2003:29 (acceptance of species)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. 790051LKC Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979
2 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Ohia forest to 10 m+ height, densely shaded understory with lush fern growth, numerous Cyrtandra distributed diffusely. On aa clinker. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 3412 Hawaii BISH 2/1/1987
3 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Small Kipuka (surrounded by 1790 lava flow) with Dicranopteris, persisiting ornamentals. Inside Kipuka, Metrosideros, Cibotium, Freycinetia, Melastoma, Philippine ground orchid, bryophytes, Asplenium nidus, Nephrolepis multiflora, N exaltata, Psychotria. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wagner, w.l. et al. collector number: 6380 Hawaii BISH 6/18/1990
4 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN croft, l.k. collector number: 790040lkc BISH 2/28/1979
5 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. 790055LKC Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979
6 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cuddihy, l.w. collector number: 790051lkc Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979
7 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On well drained a'a, under complete shade of hau canopy. In small graben type gulch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN croft, l.k. collector number: 790040lkc Hawaii BISH 2/28/1979
8 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cuddihy, l.w. collector number: 790054 Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979
9 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. 790052LKC Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979
10 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In forest. Shrub growing with METPOL, PSYHAW, DIOSAN, POLHAW, PSICAT, CLIHIR, CIBspp., CECOBT. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Loo, R. No number Hawaii BISH 7/15/2019
11 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Open Metrosideros forest with native trees: Psychotria, Gouldia, Ilex, Coprosma spp., Myrsine. Cibotium & Dicranopteris common.. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN davis, j. collector number: 502 Hawaii BISH 5/28/1981
12 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. ESP 502 Hawaii BISH 5/28/1981
13 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On well drained a'a, under complete shade of hau canopy. In small graben type gulch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Croft, L.K. 790040LKC Hawaii BISH 2/28/1979
14 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Remnant ohia fern forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN W. L. Wagner 5974 Hawaii PTBG 3/13/1988
15 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Small kipuka surrounded by 1790 lava flow. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN W. L. Wagner 6380 Hawaii PTBG 6/18/1990
16 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Small Kipuka (surrounded by 1790 lava flow) with Dicranopteris, persisiting ornamentals. Inside Kipuka, Metrosideros, Cibotium, Freycinetia, Melastoma, Philippine ground orchid, bryophytes, Asplenium nidus, Nephrolepis multiflora, N exaltata, Psychotria. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wagner, W.L. 6380 Hawaii BISH 6/18/1990
17 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. wagner 5974 Hawaii US
18 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wagner, W. L.; Mill Arey, S. 6380 Hawaii US 6/18/1990
19 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G.; Davis, J. 555 Hawaii US 1/20/1981
20 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. wagner & s. mill arey 6380 Kauai US 6/18/1990
21 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN g. clarke & j. davis 555 Hawaii US 1/20/1981
22 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. 790053 Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979
23 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information `A`a substrate, closed Metrosideros-Diospyros forest with a Oplismenus-Nephrolepis-Rubus herbaceous cover. Found in occasional patches usually within gullies and/or depressions. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. collector number: 561 Hawaii BISH 1/22/1981
24 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Ohia forest to 10 m+ height, densely shaded understory with lush fern growth, numerous Cyrtandra distributed diffusely. On aa clinker. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. imada, c. collector number: 3412 Hawaii BISH 2/1/1987
25 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cuddihy, l.w. collector number: 790051lkc Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979
26 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information `A`a substrate, closed Metrosideros-Diospyros forest with a Oplismenus-Nephrolepis-Rubus herbaceous cover. Found in occasional patches usually within gullies and/or depressions. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 561 Hawaii BISH 1/22/1981
27 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Tall ohia forest near Cyrtandra nos. 3411, 3412, 3447-3449. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 3414 Hawaii BISH 2/1/1987
28 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cuddihy, l.w. collector number: 790055lkc Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979
29 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing in a gully. Open-closed Metrosideros-Diospyros-Pandanus forest with a dense Nephrolepis understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. davis, j. collector number: 554 Hawaii BISH 1/20/1981
30 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On well drained a'a, under complete shade of hau canopy. In small graben type gulch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Croft, L.K. 790040 Hawaii BISH 2/28/1979
31 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. 790051LKC Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979
32 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing in a gully. Open-closed Metrosideros-Diospyros-Pandanus forest with a dense Nephrolepis understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 554 Hawaii BISH 1/20/1981
33 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. imada, c. collector number: 3449 Hawaii BISH 2/1/1987
34 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In cracks. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. davis, j. collector number: 554 Hawaii BISH 1/20/1981
35 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cuddihy, l.w. collector number: 790053 Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979
36 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. 790055LKC Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979
37 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 3449 Hawaii BISH 2/1/1987
38 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cuddihy, l.w. collector number: 790052lkc Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979
39 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Open Metrosideros forest with native trees: Psychotria, Gouldia, Ilex, Coprosma spp., Myrsine. Cibotium & Dicranopteris common.. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. ESP 502 Hawaii BISH 5/28/1981
40 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing with METPOL, PSYHAW, DIOSAN, PIPALB, PSICAT, CLIHIR, CIBGLA, CIBMEN. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Loo, R. No number Hawaii BISH 7/15/2019
41 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cuddihy, L.W. 790054 Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979
42 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Tall ohia forest near Cyrtandra nos. 3411, 3412, 3447-3449. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. imada, c. collector number: 3414 Hawaii BISH 2/1/1987
43 Cyrtandra nanawaleensis H.St.John Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cuddihy, l.w. collector number: 790055lkc Hawaii BISH 3/22/1979